Milk bottel for small baby with Nipple

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APPROVED BY Mazzako Shopping

Rs.350 Rs.500


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Seller   :

Mahesh Tmanah

Product detail of Milk bottel for small baby with Nipple

  • Pigeon peristaltic plastic nursing bottle KPP- 240 ml.
  • Pigeon peristaltic nipple plastic feeding bottle is a healthy start to a baby's independent eating habits.
  • The bottle allows natural movement of the baby's tongue, ensuring maximum development of baby's facial and jaw muscles.
  • The peristaltic bottle incorporates a unique air ventilation system that allows minimum air intake and easy gliding of milk into the baby's stomach.
  • The unique streamline shape of the bottle makes it easy for the mother to hold, clean and feed.
  • The nipple of the bottle is stretchable and allows easy sucking and wide movement of the baby's tongue.
  • The nipple gets perfectly fit into the baby's tongue and encourages the peristaltic motion of the tongue.
  • The nipple can also be adjusted to increase or decrease the flow of milk.

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